Miguel Ángel Vázquez Villagrasa
Fallen from Grace (Grasse) to Chamberí (Madrid, Spain).
Illustrator, Writer and Secondary Teacher of Philosophy and Psychology in Andalucía. He has written several academic contributions for University Magazines, received an essay award by "Acción Cultural Miguel de Cervantes" and recently collaborated, as illustrator, with Tahir Shah, son of the prominent writer and thinker Idries Shah, for two of his last teaching story books: The Paradise Tree and Mittle-Mittle.
Other books and stories are expected soon to be published.
He's been working in Madrid, Gijón, Lagos and Edinburgh and, some years ago, at the last moment, he changed what was going to be his next destination (Kuala Lumpur) for Andalucía.
Because of his life on the edge, legend has it that he's been about to die several times for different reasons. But it seems that he doesn't care too much about it because he thinks that he will only go "once it's time to go". In one of those occasions, somebody tried to stab him. But "that would just prove", he says, "according to the sublime criterion of Thomas de Quincey to distinguish great philosophers from mediocre ones, that I'm just one of a kind."